The GB Sportster was a special purpose racing aircraft made by Granville Brothers Aircraft of Springfield, Ma. The R-1 and sister ship R-2 were successors to the Thompson Trophy winning Model Z. The Sportster fast earned a reputation for being a challenging and often dangerous aeroplane to fly.
For FS2004 and FSX (SP1/SP2/Accel)
TWO model variations with their own unique handling characteristics
R-1, #11, NR2100
R-2, #7, NR2101
full FSX model available with all FSX features (bump mapping, self-shadowing, bloom etc)
FSX model includes V-C self-shadowing (effect requires FSX SP2, Vista)
FSX model includes 2048-pixel textures for maximum clarity
HIGHLY authentic virtual cockpit with animations and mousable controls
includes 'REALGAUGE' technology:
all v-c gauges are 3D models with compete 3D working parts such as needles, flags etc
all gauges are fully mousable with switch parts all working correctly
'RealGauge' provides - prefect smooth operation, high FPS, extremely crisp appearance
all gauges have custom nighttime illumination
note - 2D panel is not needed, a 'minimal' bitmap is however provided
extremely authentic flight dynamics, seperate flight model files for each variant
very high quality sounds by TSS
detailed and illustrated PDF manual, 27 pages
very realistic pilot figure with user-input anims