Now For Flight Simulator X
Since it's inception, the goal of Airbus was to become the largest manufacturer of large airliners. Through aggressive marketing and its wide range of aircraft, Airbus has recently reached that goal by overtaking Boeing. Its fleet cover the full range of airline requirements. From the A310 with its old style analog instrumentation to the A350, the newest member that's still on the drawing board, these aircraft were designed to serve a very specific segment of the flying public.
Abacus publishing's new release, Fly the Airbus Fleet, lets users of Microsoft Flight Simulator fly most of the models in their inventory. These popular aircraft are delivered in many different liveries and you'll fly dozens of popular routes served by the various airlines.
Each member of the fleet features a superb exterior model, full 2D cockpit and complete virtual cockit with advanced instrumentation. Just climb into the cockpit and you'll be piloting a large set of some of the most popular aircraft today.
The aircraft of the Airbus fleet cover the full range of airline requiements. From the A310 with its old style analog instrumentation to the A350, the newest member that's still on the drawing board, these aircraft serve a very specific segment of the flying public.
You'll fly these Fly the Airbus Fleet aircraft:
- Airbus A310-300
- Airbus A319-100
- Airbus A320-200
- Airbus A330-300
- Airbus A340-600
- Airbus A350-800 (per design specs)
Tolga Piskin has modeled these well-known Airbus aircraft for FS2004 and FS2002 while graphic artist Ed Knapp has reproduced many liveries of the airlines that fly them.
Included liveries:
- Airbus House Colors
- Air India
- Lufthansa
- German Wings
- Iberia
- Air France
- Virgin Atlantic
- Air Canada
- British Airways
- Sucaba