Flight Service Series give you more realistic flight experience recreating a real word ambience with new and unique features. You can really simulate a multi-crew enviroment with interactive briefing, checklist, Cabin Announcement and much more.
For each title two separate version are provided with the setup file so you can use the product as FSX Mission or FS2004 Abl Adventure. Both missions uses real weather for a very enjoyable simulation.
Flight Service Pack 5 Bundle includes 3 titles:
Procuct includes:
Airbus A350-800 Aeroflot, Boeing 737-800 Olympic Air and Airbus A321 Swiss Air for FSX
9 Missions for FSX
9 ABL Adventures for FS2004
Original Sounds and voices
Flight Briefing with any useful information about the flight (route, weather etc.)
Cabin preparation (Frequencies, Autopilot etc.)
Step by step Check Lists Procedures (pre-start, taxi, before t/o, after t/o, descend, landing, parking)
Charts and Maps
New! PES - (Passengers Entertainment System)