PC Aviator Inc :: X-Plane Addons :: Scenery :: Photoscenery :: Helsinki Metropolitan VFR Scenery for X-Plane

Helsinki Metropolitan VFR Scenery for X-Plane

Helsinki Metropolitan VFR Scenery for X-Plane

Helsinki Metropolitan VFR Scenery for X-Plane

Helsinki Metropolitan VFR Scenery for X-Plane

SIZE (Mb) 5 GB
PUBLISHER FAsimulations (MORE)
Regular Price: $29.95
Price: $24.95
Delivery Options
Quantity 1 (this product is an instant download)

This is an extremely detailed scenery of the larger Helsinki metropolitan area covering over 4000 square kilometres. You will find this a diverse and beautiful area, filled with cities, towns, villages, lakes, national parks, forests, etc. Thousands of objects have been hand placed on the underlying photo scenery (buildings, lights, trees, forests). This is one of the most realistic large scale sceneries in the history of X-Plane.

The scenery has lots of custom traffic, replacing the default X-Plane traffic. The night lighting has been built from scratch. Try flying at dusk or dawn. It´s simply beautiful, just like it is in real life.

You will find two custom built airfields (EFNU and EFMN) and three "enhanced default airports" (EFHK, EFHF, EFHV). The "enhanced default airports" are built using X-Planes art asset. They are carefully aligned with the underlying orthophoto. They can be replaced with custom airports from TruScenery . Flying from EFMN via Porvoo to EFHF and to EFNU is almost 60 NM. You will have detailed scenery under your wings the whole flight. The scenery will look good even at minimum altitudes. Check the screenshots from our website: http://www.fasimulations.com/screenshots.html


  • If you have the HMS DEMO scenery installed, please delete all HMS DEMO files before installing
  • Unzip the package into your "custom scenery" folder. Start X-Plane and quit. Check your "scenery.packs.ini" file inside your "Custom scenery" file (you can open it with a text editor). The HMS-files should be in alphabetical order. Move your custom airports (if you have them: EFHF and EFHV) to the top of the list (cut and paste). Disable the HMS default airports if you have custom airports in the scenery area (write "DISABLE" after them; see HMS_Installation.pdf). Remove the TruScenery OSM and "Helsinki Orthophoto" folders. Start X-Plane again for the changes to take effect.
  • Please read the included installation instructions PDF.


  • Over 4000 square kilometres (1544 square miles) of detailed scenery
  • 50cm/pixel resolution in the main area, 1m/pixel resolution in surrounding areas
  • Decals added to the whole scenery (will give you detailed terrain all the way to the ground).
  • Hundreds of custom built objects placed accurately on the orthophoto
  • Extremely detailed forests, over 10 forest files used to accurately represent the forests of the scenery. The forests cover the whole scenery and match closely the underlying orthophoto.
  • Custom built HDR-night lighting for the whole area. Night flying has never been so realistic!
  • Custom built traffic. Cars follow the roads in the scenery using realistic speeds.
  • Two custom built airfields in the scenery (EFNU and EFMN) and the helipad EFHY (rooftop helipad/Meilahti main hospital)
  • Three enhanced default airports, where the objects match the underlying orthophoto (EFHK, EFHF and EFHV). The extremely detailed airports EFHF and EFHV are available as separate purchases from www.truscenery.com. They work seamlessly with the scenery.
  • Custom built OSM-facades for the whole area. Southern Finland has very good OSM-coverage, so the scenery is filled with buildings.
  • Hand edited shorelines for very realistic coastlines.
  • Beautiful summer textures for most part of the scenery
  • Winter textures will be available later as a free download
  • Later updates will add even more custom objects to the scenery
  • Many optimizations for better framerate


  • X-Plane 10
  • Windows, Mac or Linux
  • 1Gb+ VRAM Video Card
  • Download size: 8.03 GB