

Understanding Scenery Types:

Landclass: Improves Cross Country Textures

PhotoScenery: Also known as photo-realistic scenery - created from aerial and satellite photographs

Terrain Mesh: Elevation data. This adds more detail to your mountains and valleys

Vector Based: Default scenery is vector based - comprised of 3d buildings, roads etc.


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VFR Real Scenery NexGen 3D – Vol. 1: Southern England & South Wales VFR Real Scenery NexGen 3D – Vol. 2: Central England & North Wales VFR Real Scenery NexGen 3D – Vol. 3: Northern England
VFR Real Scenery NexGen 3D – Vol. 1: Southern England & South Wales
VFR Real Scenery NexGen 3D – Vol. 2: Central England & North Wales
VFR Real Scenery NexGen 3D – Vol. 3: Northern England
Price: $37.95
Price: $37.95
Price: $30.95