I Did Not Receive My License/Registration Number For My Download Order
When I Try To Install My Software The Serial/license Number Doesn't Work
I Didn't Receive My Download Link
I ran the installer but I cannot find my product installed in my Flight Simulator
I Am Having Technical Problems With My Software
I Lost My Download And Need To Redownload My Software
The Vendor Has not Replied To My Technical Support Request
How Do I Download And Install My Instant Download Software?
I Cannot Unzip or Extract My Download ZIP File
How Does Your Download System Work?
How Long Do I Have To Download My Software?
What Download Speeds Will I Experience?
Will My Flight Sims Work With Windows 10?
If I upgrade to Windows 10, will I need to reinstall my flight sim software?
What are the benefits of FSX:Steam Edition and should I purchase it?
How Does Your Download System Work?
For the uninitiated and computer novices, ordering and downloading instant download software is not as daunting as it might appear. You simply order your instant download (and CD/DVD Master if you like) and as soon as you complete the checkout process, your invoice will appear on the screen and in your e-mail. Each line item on your invoice has the download link to download your software. Simply click on the link and you will be taken to a download page for that product. Simply click on the link and your download will begin. Then simply follow the installation instructions found here.
How Long Do I Have To Download My Software?
Your download link will remain active on our server for 10 years. We still recommend that you create your own backup of the software on a CD or DVD for the most convenience in the event that you need to reinstall your download. We also offer the option to create and mail the backup CD/DVD for you for just $2.95. You will be presented with that option with every download product. If ever you need to redownload your software, simply login to our site, search your order history, locate the order and simply click on the download link that is on your invoice for that particular item.
What Download Speeds Will I Experience?
Your Instant Downloads are stored and delivered via 3 state-of-the-art servers with a Gigabit uplink and that will enable you to download as fast as your internet connection will allow. Theoretically our server can deliver 200 simultaneous 50 Mbps (a typical cable high speed broadband connection) downloads at full speed. Even at the busiest times our server only runs at 10% capacity so you should never have a problem with slow download speeds. If you do, please contact your ISP as there could be problems with your connection. Often a reboot of your cable modem and PC will solve any slow download speed problems.
I Didn't Receive My Download Link
The most common problem we encounter is that customers did not receive their download links. And... the 2 most common causes of that are:
1. You did not enter your correct e-mail address when setting up your account.2. Your e-mail was blocked by a SPAM blocker or ended up in a junk mail folder.
We do request that you carefully check your e-mail address when signing up and creating an account.
We also request that you ensure that you allow e-mail from pcaviator.com to ensure that your download link arrives.
If you did receive your sales invoice you should immediately also receive an e-mail with your download links. The subject of the e-mail will be PC Aviator Inc: Order #XXXX Download Keys. This will contain your download links.
If you did not receive this e-mail or cannot find that e-mail, then here is the procedure for getting your download link:
1. Log back into your account2. Under the Your Cart option on the right there will be a link - Orders History.3. Select this link and then click on the Search Button. This will display all orders you have placed.4. Click on the Processed link or the Date and this will show you your order details - including your download link.5. It is important that you retrieve your download within 7 days - after that your download link disappears.
Should you continue to have trouble finding your download link, please e-mail [email protected]..
How Do I Download And Install My Instant Download Software?
Your download will be available as a ZIP file. ZIP files are archive files where all of the files for your software are compressed and packed into one file for ease of download. Your ZIP file will usually contain a Setup program for your software plus any documentation.
To unzip your file you can use the Extract Files feature within Windows (you'll see this when you right click on a ZIP file) or a free third party utility. Our favorite is 7-Zip. you can get 7-Zip here for free. The Windows Extract File can bog down on large archives but 7-Zip handles large files with ease.
Downloading Your File
The first thing you need to do is download your file. We will assume you are using Internet Explorer. To do this, click on the download link that you have received in your "download keys" e-mail. This will take you to the download page that has been generated for you by our system. At the bottom of the page is a Go button. While you can Left-Click on the Go button to commence your download we recommend that you Right-Click and select "Save Target As". When you do it this way you get more comprehensive download progress information than if you left click.
After you select the Save Target As Option select a folder where to save your file. Please ensure that you know or remember which folder you saved your ZIP file to. You could use your regular downloads folder or you may wish to create a folder called Flight Sim Downloads. This way all of your download purchases will be in the one place.
The download will commence.
- When your download is complete your ZIP file will be saved to that folder.
Unzipping/Extracting Your File
Now that you have downloaded your file it is time to extract/unzip it. (Please note that Windows Vista has increased security measures and may BLOCK your zip file from being extracted. If it does simply right-click on the ZIP file and select Properties then select the UNBLOCK option. After it is unblocked you may then EXTRACT the file.)
To Extract the zip file, right click on it. This will bring up a fly-out box with options. If you are using the default Windows Extractor select Extract All. If you are using 7-zip - select it and choose the appropriate option.
When you Select Extract All - leave the destination options as default and leave show files after extracting checked. This way when the extraction process is complete the folder with your installer files will show.
When the Extracted files come up in a new window you will see the list of files. There may be just one file or there may be several. The file you are most interested in to commence the installation is the setup file. This may be called setup.exe or it may be called something else - but it will have a .exe extension. If you see a file called readme.txt or readmefirst.txt then double click on that first and read any special instructions that relate to your product.
After you have read any special instructions, simply double-click on the installer file and your installation will commence. Then simply follow the prompts. If your program has serial numbers/license keys then simply cut and paste the license key from your license key/serial number e-mail which you will have received separately.
- Once your software is installed you can run Flight Simulator and use your product.
IMPORTANT: Some installers check the registry to see where your Flight Simulator is installed on your system. Some Don't. It is important that you know the path to your Flight Simulator so that if the installer did not correctly determine where your Flight Simulator is installed, you need to override it by either typing in the correct path OR using the browse button that usually comes up next to the path and navigate to where your Flight Simulator is installed.
Default Flight Simulator installation paths are usually:
For Flight Simulator X
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X
For Flight Simulator Century of Flight (also known as FS9 or FS2004)
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9
If you have difficulties installing your software please contact the maker of the product. You'll find the website by clicking on the manufacturer from the Manufacturer list on the left column of this screen.
I Cannot Unzip or Extract My Download ZIP File.
You will require either an unzip program such as WinZip or the built in Windows ZIP extractor to unzip your zip file.
Windows Vista has increased security measures and may BLOCK your zip file from being extracted. If it does simply right-click on the ZIP file and select Properties then select the UNBLOCK option. After it is unblocked you may then EXTRACT the file.
On rare occasions you may receive an error that the ZIP file is corrupt and cannot be extracted. This is usually caused by some kind of corruption that may have occurred during download or an incomplete download. This can be corrected by simply redownloading the file using your download link.
Note: If you are going to redownload the file we recommend that you delete your temporary internet files in your browser since the original download may still be in your browser cache and the browser may not redownload and instead use the copy that is in your cache.
To delete your temporary internet files in Internet Explorer select Tools=>Internet Options=>Browsing History=>Delete=>Temporary Internet Files. Then restart your browser after the files have been deleted and then proceed to redownload.
When I Try To Install My Software The Serial/license Number Doesn't Work.
Some products in our store require you to enter serial numbers or license keys when you install your software. Normally these license keys will be e-mailed to you automatically when your order is successfully processed.
If you enter your license key and it is not accepting it or it appears to be incorrect then it means, in almost all circumstances, that you are entering this number incorrectly. The case of letters needs to be the exact case in which it is in the license key. It is also easy to mistake capital "O" for zero and vice versa.
The easiest way to ensure that you enter the number correctly is to copy and paste the number from your e-mail into the field in your installer. This will ensure that the number is entered correctly.
To copy and paste the number simply select and highlight the license/serial number in the e-mail. Right click with your mouse and select Copy. Then switch to or run the installer and place your mouse cursor in the license key/serial number field and right click and select Paste. This will paste the number exactly as it should be without any "human" interpretation errors. Your installation should then be able to proceed.
I ran the installer but I cannot find my product installed in my Flight Simulator
This happens most often with Vista and Windows 7 operating systems and is usually caused by a feature called User Account Control. In Vista, turn off User Account Control. In Windows 7 turn it down to minimum security settings – “Never Notify Me”.
Also on 64 bit systems it is important to know that Flight Simulator’s default directory is not where you would normally expect it to be.
In 64 bit systems FSX will be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X
In 32 bit systems FSX will be in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
The subtle difference between the two is (x86) after Program Files. Some installers fail to see that, so at the beginning of the installation you will need to select either directory based on whether your operating system is 32 bit or 64 bit.
I Am Having Technical Problems With My Software
While we would love to be able to assist with technical problems running your software we simply can't because we do not create the software so it is impossible for our staff to know how to correct or assist with these technical issues.
Most issues require the technical expertise of the people who created those products and for that reason we ask that you do not contact PC Aviator with assistance for technical issues in running your software.
Instead please contact the maker/developer/manufacturer of the software directly using the technical support addresses in the product description or select the manufacturer from the list of manufacturers in the left hand column in our shopping cart. Most support is via e-mail, forums or an FAQ at the manufacturers website and in most cases the response is fast and thorough.
IMPORTANT: Most of the vendors provide excellent and prompt e-mail technical support. If you have not usually received a reply within 48 hours then it is possible that:
Their reply may have been blocked by a spam blocker
You may have given them an correct e-mail address (this happens often that a customer does not have his correct e-mail address configured in his e-mail program) and replies bounce back to the person who replied to you.
- They may be backed up in handling their e-mails. Please respect the fact that with the ease of sending e-mail these days ALL companies are overwhelmed with the volume of e-mails. Simply and politely resend your original message - it will be acted upon as their schedule allows.
If you don't receive a response promptly you can always attempt to get self help via forums that are frequented by knowledgeable flight simmers such as www.avsim.com. Simply post your problem into cyberspace and you will be surprised at just how fast someone can offer you a solution.
I Did Not Receive My License/Registration Number For My Download Order
The instant your download order is completed when payment is received our server generates a download link, as well as, if the product requires one, a license number or installation password. These are immediately made visible on your sales invoice under the line item listing in your invoice. You also receive download links and license numbers by email.
Please refer to your original invoice that was sent to you by our server or please check your e-mail account. Please also check any junk mail folders.
If you still cannot find these, please login to your account at http://www.pcaviator.com/store and look at your order history. Download links and license numbers are permanently recorded in your order history. If there is no license number on your invoice, then the product you purchased does not require a license number and you can install directly from the installer without entering a license number.
I Lost My Download And Need To Redownload My Software
Download links are valid for 10 years from the date of purchase. If you lost your software due to a system crash and need to redownload, simply login to your account and view your order history. Any download links and/or license numbers are attached to your invoice.
Click on the download link to download.
We highly advise you to make a backup copy of your download for ease of reinstalling should you lose your software again or you can order a CD backup with every future download order by selecting the CD/DVD Master option.
For downloads beyond 10 years where the link has expired, simply contact [email protected] to request a reset of your download link. There is NO CHARGE for resets.
Will my flight sims work with Windows 10?
Yes they will! Windows 10 is still the same core product as Windows XP architecture and as a result generally all Windows based flight sim software and addons is fully compatible with it. Windows 10 however is more stringent on certain security and operating system security items and how certain products interact with the operating system so occasionally some titles will have compatibility issues. This is rare and where it applies we will make that known on the information page for each title in our range. For all intents and purposes however the general answer is YES your flight sims and addons are fully compatible with Windows 10.
If I upgrade to Windows 10, will I need to reinstall my flight sim software?
If you install Windows 10 via the UPGRADE route, then all your products will remain installed and useable in Windows 10 and you won't need to reinstall them. if you do a CLEAN install of Windows 10 and reformat your hard drive, then you will need to reinstall your addons.
What are the benefits of FSX Steam Edition and should I purchase it?
There are some rumors out there about FSX Steam Edition being an upgraded and improved version of the final release of the original Microsoft Flight Simulator X. This couldn't be further from the truth. FSX Steam Edition is the exact same product as FSX Gold and Acceleration. So there is NO benefit in purchasing this title and in fact it is a backward step in that it is incompatible with MOST addons released for the Microsoft FSX due to different registry entries it installs on your PC. So you will lose compatibility of the many dollars you may have already invested in add-ons over the years. You will note that a number of vendors are upgrading their addons to recognize and install into FSX:Steam Edition but this is not all vendors and it is only a FRACTION of the 3,000+ addons available. We suggest you stick with the original FSX Gold (and Acceleration) for maximum compatibility and an optimal flight sim experience since there is no performance benefit and no feature upgrades and enhancements in the Steam Edition